Client testimonials
I approached Engineering Surveys whilst engaged on the construction of the New Royal Adelaide Hospital landscape package.
Engineering Surveys helped me to control the outcome of the landscape works at NRAH by their hands on approach and quality work.
I have been impressed by David Topfer and his team members' can-do attitude to problem solving on this iconic project and look forward to working on future projects around Australia.
I would recommend Engineering Surveys to anybody who needs a reliable and competent surveyor.
At Leed we know that we can rely on Engineering Surveys to provide us with prompt and efficient service. Having worked with us for many years they understand our needs as well as the needs of our Clients and that enables them to make a valuable contribution to our success.
I have used the team from Engineering Surveys for over 20 years, and found them to be reliable, provide quality work and prompt service. Their surveyors have a practical "hands on" approach and have provided some creative solutions in building construction on a variety of challenging projects.
We have been associated with Engineering Surveys Pty Ltd since 2002.
During this time they have provided construction survey and as-built documentation for York Civil on numerous projects undertaken by York Civil including:
Bolivar High Salinity works (2003)
Locks and Weirs No. 1 & 9 (2005 and 2007)
Locks and Weirs No. 2,3,5 & 6 (2009 and 2010)
Pipeline projects
Engineering Surveys has also worked with York Civil on 12 bridges on the NEXY project, the Blanchetown Bridge Replacement, Port River Expressway Stages 1 and 2 & 3, and other minor projects.
We have found their surveyors to be experienced and competent and to work collaboratively with the project team to assist in completing projects on time, within budget and carry on their work in a professional manner.
We consider Engineering Surveys has a proven track record. With a workforce of over twenty surveyors and the depth in survey disciplines they have the capacity to handle a number of projects at the one time.